Staff Application Form 2025

Staffing for 2025 is complete.  All posts are filled.

Course Manager (Post filled for 2025)
Teacher (Posts filled for 2025)
Senior Teacher (Post filled for 2025)
Senior Sports/Social Organiser (Post filled for 2025)
Sports/Social Organiser (Posts filled for 2025)
Sports/Social Assistant (Posts filled for 2025)
Medic (Post filled for 2025)
Email Address:
Your permanent address:
Your telephone number:
Your temporary address (if applicable):
Your date of birth:
Your nationality:
Your gender: Male
Your marital status:
List your A-Levels taken with grade, date and school they were taken at:
List your University degree(s) with the class, date and the name of the University:
(For Teachers) State TEFL qualification with Institute and date:
(For Teachers) State Teaching qualification(s) (DfEE QTS status) Include Institute and date(s):
Other qualification(s) relevant to the post applied for:
Name and address of present school/college/workplace:
Name of Head Teacher/Head of Department:
Previous experience relevant to the post applied for:
Particular interests (e.g. sports and activities you would feel competent to assist with):
I have attended a boarding school: Yes
I have worked at a boarding school: Yes
I am resident in the UK and liable to UK PAYE Income Tax: Yes
I am resident in the UK as a student and not liable to UK PAYE Income Tax: Yes
Further information or comments which will help us consider your application (including anything in your background which might be considered germane):
Do you have a criminal conviction?: Yes
Have you been DBS 'background checked' or do you have a 'disclosure' or 'good conduct' certificate, or similar?: Yes
Contact details of a professional referee whom we may contact: (This person must be able to comment on your ability to carry out the post you are applying for):
Contact details of a personal or second professional referee whom we may contact: (This person must be able to comment on your ability to carry out the post you are applying for):
May we contact your Head Teacher/Head of Department?: Yes
Can you swim?: Yes
Do you smoke?: Yes
Preferred interview days/dates (which can be via our Zoom link):
Dates between which you are available in the summer (must include the period applied for)
I affirm that this is my first job IN THE UK since 6 April 2025 and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, taxable Incapacity Benefit, State or Occupational Pension. This is correct
If this is now your only job IN THE UK since 6 April 2025, but you have had another job, or received taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit IN THE UK since 6 April 2020 and you do not receive a State or Occupational Pension, check this box, otherwise leave this unchecked. This is correct
If you also have had another job IN THE UK since April 2025 or receive a State or Occupational Pension, check this box, otherwise leave this unchecked. This is correct
Accredited by the British Council
Offers Trinity
Accredited by English UK